6 February 2020

How to Overcome Your (Check Email) Distraction Habit

How to Overcome Your (Check Email) Distraction Habit

Multitasking has become a coping strategy. We easily get distracted by emails, calls, interruptions from colleagues and office bustle in general.

When we continously switch tasks, we are, however, less likely to get much done.

Distractions raise our stress level and can result in a loss of motivation and burnout, writes author, TEDx Speaker and productivity expert Maura Thomas.

For many of us distraction has become a habit. And a habit has the power to gain so much strength that we start looking for distractions by ourselves. When things get quiet at home, you have probably also reached out for your laptop or phone to check your emails.

Attention management and deep work
Maura Thomas is convinced that the path to improved productivity does not lie in “time management” but in “attention management” and kicking the distraction habit. “Deep work” is key and has become a sort of superpower. 

Read the whole article and get Maura’s three pieces of advice you can easily adapt to increase your productivity in your everyday life.
You can download the Harvard Business Review article here

Read also SHHH: How to overcome disturbances at the office

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